The two Berlin-based friends Adrian and Jannis (Duo One Line) have performed together since their earliest childhood. At a young age already, while performing in the children’s circus “RatzFatz” in Bochum, both realized that they wanted to make a career out of their hobby, a desire that would never leave them again. With their admission into the Berlin School of Acrobatic Arts (Staatliche Artistenschule Berlin), along with the many successes that have followed, they realized that their desire had become a reality. They became prizewinners of the international circus festival "Circuba" in Havana, won the Variety-Price of the Sparkasse Germany, despite their young career, they have already been part of productions at the Friedrichstadt-Palast Berlin - the largest theater stage in the world.
Neues Theater Höchst
2023 - "Spin! - Das neue Varieté dreht sich" in Frankfurt Höchst - Germany
FC Bayern Basketball
2022 - Halftime Show at Audio Dome in Munch - Germany
Kuppelsaal Festung Koblenz
2021 - "Spin! - Das neue Varieté dreht sich" - Festungsvarieté Cafe Hahn in Koblenz - Germany
GOP goes Open Air
2020 - Kulturgarten Bonn - Germany
Varieté et cetera
2019/20 - "Winterbeats" in Bochum - Germany
2017/18, 2018/19 - "Spiel mit der Zeit" in Berlin - Germany
Traumtheater Salomé
2017 - Germany tour
GOP Varieté Theater
2022/23 - "NEO" in Bremen, Essen, Bonn, Hannover, Munich - Germany
2023 - "Spin! - Das neue Varieté dreht sich" in Münster - Germany
Neues Theater Espelkamp
2022 - "Spin! - Das neue Varieté dreht sich" in Espelkamp - Germany
Varieté PromenArt
2021 - Island Usedom - Germany
Internationales Gaukler- und Kleinkunstfestival
2020 - "Spin! - Das neue Varieté dreht sich" in Koblenz - Germany
(Award: Varietépreis der Stiftung Zukunft der Sparkasse)
Graduationshow Spin!
2019 - "Spin! - the graduation show of the state circus school Berlin" - Germany tour
Internationales Zirkusfestival "Circuba"
2018 - "Circuba 2018" in Havanna - Cuba
(Award: special prize from Mexico "el mejor acto del festival")
Staatliche Artistenschule
2016-2019 - education as a state-certified circus artist in Berlin - Germa