The charismatic Duo One Line fill the stage with an action-packed diabolo act, intoxicating the audience with impressive technique and their palpable love of juggling.
Their act has already garnered the prize for “el major acto del festival” (“the best act of the festival”) at the international circus festival “Circuba”.
"The audience celebrate their six and a half minute diabolo show full of skill, speed and dynamism."
(Jürgen Stahl)
“Jannis Nau and Adrian Schulte-Zweckel returned for the evening’s last highlight, this time to display their remarkable acrobatic skills to an awe-struck audience who was treated to a fearless, fast-paced and technically flawless diabolo duo act.”
Dülmener Zeitung
“There were two diabolo jugglers for the price of one, and the performers exchanged their toys mid-flight at a breath-taking tempo.”
(Hans-Martin Stief)