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Ehemalge Zirkusschüler starten Profi-Karriere (WAZ, 01.01.2020):
Wenn sich die Welt um das Diabolo dreht (Stadtspiegel Bochum, 01.01.2020):
Bühne statt Büro (Stadtmagazin Bremen, 01.08.2019):

"The audience celebrate their six and a half minute diabolo show full of skill, speed and dynamism."
(Jürgen Stahl)
“Jannis Nau and Adrian Schulte-Zweckel returned for the evening’s last highlight, this time to display their remarkable acrobatic skills to an awe-struck audience who was treated to a fearless, fast-paced and technically flawless diabolo duo act.”

Dülmener Zeitung
“There were two diabolo jugglers for the price of one, and the performers exchanged their toys mid-flight at a breath-taking tempo.”
(Hans-Martin Stief)
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